Industrial Controls has work for a wide variety of companies in the food and beverage industry

Food and Beverage

The Food and Beverage Industry in New Zealand is the largest manufacturing sub-sector, a major export earner and has trebled in the last 17 years making it a significant growth industry.

ICSC is a market leader in the electrical services area of the Food & Beverage industry. We are proud to support an industry that is doing so much for New Zealand's economic growth.

ICSC brings to this dynamic industry a wealth of experience including:

  • Complying with site requirements - Inductions, Site work permits etc.
  • Electrical Maintenance
  • Project Management
  • Site Safety Protocols
  • Working in accordance with site standards - both electrical and automation
  • Understanding and complying with documentation requirements
  • Working in restricted clean areas
<h2>Let's work together</h2>

Let's work together

Specialists in industrial electrical & automation systems.

A growing company with a strong commitment to customer service and technical excellence.

Let's work together

52 Bank Street, Timaru, 7910 - (+64) 3 688 5310

24 Hannover Place, Rolleston, 7614 - (+64) 3 372-9205

Supporting industry throughout the Canterbury region and nationwide.